torsdag den 1. maj 2014

Rabbit-Proof-Fence (2002)

1: Write a review of the movie. Make sure to mention elements that you liked or disliked.

2: The film stirred debate over the historical accuracy of the claims of the Stolen Generation. Andrew Bolt a conservative journalist who has frequently attempted to downplay the facts of the "Stolen Generation", criticised Neville's portrayal in the film, arguing that he was inaccurately represented as racist, and the film's generally rosy portrayal of the girls' situation prior to their removal from their parents. Bolt questioned the artistic portrayal in the film of the girls as prisoners in prison garb. He claimed they would have been dressed in European clothes, as shown in contemporary photos, and says they were tracked by concerned adults fearful for their welfare. 

Based on what you know from class, discuss if Bolt has a valid point.